Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Informationen über die Jugendherberge Mithila Hotel von San Francisco. Mit können Sie Ihre Herberge oder billige Unterkunft in den bestmöglichen Preis zu reservieren. Siehe die Beschreibung der Herberge Mithila Hotel mit den Einrichtungen angeboten, Fotos, Karte mit Wegbeschreibung zur Herberge Mithila Hotel, Preise, Bewertungen und get Kommentare zu der Herberge Mithila Hotel. Machen Sie Ihre Reservierung mit einer Kreditkarte, nur rechnet mit einer 10 Prozent der Gesamtbetrag der Buchung zu sichern. Am Ende der Buchung erhalten Sie die Telefonnummer und die E-Mail-Adresse der Herberge Mithila Hotel. Auch per E-Mail erhalten Sie die Buchungsnummer Bestätigung mit einer Erinnerung. Drucken Sie Ihre Reservierung und zeigen sie an der Rezeption der Herberge bei Ihrer Ankunft des Tages, der Herberge haben bereits die Daten Details der Gäste und Sie müssen nur Ihre Urlaub in San Francisco beginnen!
The Mithila Hotel is a charming European-style hotel located in the heart of downtown San Francisco; offering beautiful guest rooms, warm gracious services and excellent value surrounded near major attractions. The Mithila Hotel was established in 1920 & fully restored in 1998. Restoration took nearly 2 years to complete taking care to maintain original ceiling moldings and marble flooring. The Mithila Hotel, formerly the Roycroft Hotel, is a highly regarded boutique hotel with modern amenities and affordable rates. The hotel is within walking distance of Union Square, Chinatown, theatres, evening entertainment and affordable restaurants. The hotel is nestled between Union Square & Nob Hill. Therfore you are a few blocks away from the main scene, however quiet enough where you can get a good night sleep. The hotel is situated in a nice safe neighbourhood where there are other high-end hotels. The Mithila Hotel is able to accommodate the needs of the everyday business person or a traveller on a modest budget. The rooms come in three tiers Double, Queen and Double-Twin beds. Every room comes with its own private bathroom, newly refurbished and equipped with a colour television, international direct phone lines, and data port lines for your convenience. There is a daily maid service every morning with a complementary continental breakfast provided each morning of your stay. The cable car lines are located only four blocks from the hotel for guest exploring the greater area of the city. The hotel also offers an Airport shuttle service at $11-15 per person and runs every half hour. Indoor parking is available for a nominal fee, as well as free parking on the street during the night and weekends.