En esta página usted puede encontrar toda la información sobre Hostal Billie's Backpackers Hostel a Fairbanks y hay la posibilidad de efectuar la reserva. La información sobre Hostal Billie's Backpackers Hostel incluyen una descripción, los servicios ofrecidos, las fotos y los comentarios que dejan los clientes Una vez reservado (dejando un depósito del 10 por ciento sobre el total) hay Billie's Backpackers Hostel correo electrónico y Billie's Backpackers Hostel teléfono. Imprima la reserva, el documento presentado en la recepción, los huéspedes del hostal ya se disponen de datos y sólo hay que comenzar sus vacaciones en Fairbanks!
Billie's Backpackers hostel is a modern, casual, clean comfortable home-style hostel with a very friendly atmosphere. There are no more than 4 persons to a room. Sometimes the arrangement is co-ed. You have access to several shared kitchens, bathrooms, common rooms, decks and yard space.Facilities include free linens, free storage, free tea/coffee, high-speed internet, guide books and maps, hammocks, BBQ, coin-operated laundry, pay phone and bike rentals.The hostel is an excellent location on the city bus route in the university district, close to shops, pubs and bike/nature trails.There are daily shuttles from the hostel to Denali, Anchorage,also shuttles Valdez, Dawson City and Whitehorse.Billie's Backpacker Hostel is a great place to begin your adventure in interior Alaska and you won't find a place with a more comfortable friendly atmosphere.