In questa pagina trovate tutte le informazioni su Evgenia Villas & Suites a Santorini. Con potete prenotare il vostro ostello o alloggio economico al miglior prezzo. Leggete la descrizione dell’ostello Evgenia Villas & Suites con i servizi offerti, le foto, la mappa per sapere come arrivare all’hotel Evgenia Villas & Suites i prezzi e le recensioni e i commenti sull’Evgenia Villas & Suites lasciati dai precedenti clienti. Fate la vostra prenotazione con la carta di credito antipando solo il 10 per cento dell’importo totale, è veloce, facile e sicuro! Al termine della prenotazione vi saranno mostrati anche il numero di telefono del Evgenia Villas & Suites e l’email e riceverete sempre via mail conferma della prenotazione con un promemoria. Stampate la prenotazione e presentate il foglio alla reception, loro avranno già i vostri dati e dovrete solamente iniziare la vostra vacanza a Santorini!
Villa Evgenia Hotel found in Fira on the island of Santorini is a Family Hotel. The villa commands an impressive view of the island's east coast & the surrounding countryside, while sunrises in Santorini from the hotel are quite beautiful. Villa Evgenia offers the perfect solution - reasonable hotel rates, a quiet environment & easy access to Fira the island capital. At Villa Evgenia, our guests experience Greek hospitality at its best, a friendly & welcoming atmosphere, as well as various facilities. There is a family swimming pool, parking, central safe box, & reception with lounge area. Next to Villa Evgenia Hotel one can find a beautiful open-air summer cinema.illa Evgenia Hotel found in Fira on the island of Santorini is a Family Hotel. The villa commands an impressive view of the island's east coast & the surrounding countryside, while sunrises in Santorini from the hotel are quite beautiful. Villa Evgenia offers the perfect solution - reasonable hotel rates, a quiet environment & easy access to Fira the island capital. At Villa Evgenia, our guests experience Greek hospitality at its best, a friendly & welcoming atmosphere, as well as various facilities. There is a family swimming pool, parking, central safe box, & reception with lounge area. Next to Villa Evgenia Hotel one can find a beautiful open-air summer cinema.